Thursday, October 19, 2017

Strike Force Energy ER Night Shift Party!!!

So and an ER nurse I decided to test Strike Force energy in the brutal world of the Night Shift!!!

So I got some of my co-workers together…

Not those guys! Actually the real ER is more like this

We are all a bit off because it takes a person who is a bit off to survive in the chaotic bloody environment that is the ER.

All of us are pot heads, as is Coffee Pot!

We have a Keurig that we abuse daily.

Many others are bull riders

And then there are the true hardcores that go for the 5 hour…

Which means 3 for a 12 hour shift.

How would this group of caffeine addicts respond to Strike Force?

Many were hard sells and I asked them to indulge me for my blog.  Hilarity ensued as one tried to drink it straight like a small energy drink

After some added instructions  (which are printed on the package) they all tried it at various points in the shift.  

The flavors were universally praised.  Better than Red Bull was heard pretty often and let's face it even 5 Hour Energy knows their product tastes like like licking the bottom of a rotten bottle of Flintstone’s vitamins.  

The “perk factor” was a little more diverse.  Some really felt the jolt immediately while others appreciate a slower but steady energy build.  This is probably because I recommended mixing it with more than the 16 oz of water that the package says.  This made it harder to chug down but gave a more sustained energy release.  

We were all alert and no one complained about any crashes.  Coffee is a cruel mistress that will drop you down once you are no longer in her hot caffeine embrace. Strike Force is more supportive and stays around longer, having breakfast with you in the morning and driving you home.  

There were really only two complaints.  The first being while tasty the taste was a bit intense at the 16 oz dilution.  The second is the two servings in one small tear pouch that is impossible to split.   You can't just use part and keep the rest for later.  And as mentioned most liked it a little watered down.  

These are of course not fatal flaws by any means.  Simply make more and save some of the mixed drink for later (in a future episode I'll tell you how I mix it for running).  The great solution by the manufacturer would be to simply make pouches that are measured out for single servings, not make it a double.

All in all it was very well reviewed by my fellow trauma hounds in the trenches.  The Grape and Original where a tie for favorite with Orange being the next and Lemon in last place.  Suck it Lemon!!!!  They still liked the flavor, it just wasn't the favorite.

Well we've got incoming wounded, but at least we can be a bit perkier now thanks to our rounds of caffeine treats from Strike Force.

Gotta run…

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