After much extensive testing I can now give my official results and recommendations for Strike Force Energy with science!
DISCLAIMER: These are the running specific recommendations.
As a morning squirt to get you going mixed as the packaging says if great! Buzzed!
But when it comes to drinking on the run…
After several strike missions…
Destiny style…
Ok more of running around my block and on the local trails I have concluded with total-almost-maybe-opinion that one pack in 64 oz (2 quarts) makes the ideal running drink.
This worked great as it was dilute enough to still be hydrating but had enough flavor to make it not boring old water. Plus the Caffeine was spread out to give a nice caffeine climb and gentle taper vs the usual pop and fade of stronger caffeine doses.
Plus this makes them last for ever!
10 packs per container.
One pack makes 2 quarts.
32 oz per quart.
For a total of 640 ounces.
With the average water bottle being 20 ounces.
That's 32 bottles filled per box of 10!
Each box is $9.99.
That's 31.2 cents per bottle!!!
By the power of math!
Put it in the fridge. Chill and serve... into your favorite running bottle and enjoy
Original is still number one for this application with Grape being a close second. I found that the Lemon and Orange had an odd flavor that somehow became weirder when it was diluted…
So next time you are going out on a run with the Bro’s or the Joe's
Make a couple pitchers of Strike Force energy so you can save your day! Remember knowing to half the battle, but possession is nine tenths of the law!
Again a big thanks to Sean for his service and for providing our materials for testing.
Really enjoyed it. But for now..I gotta run!