Saturday, December 2, 2017

Shoe Porn: Brooks Ghost 10

Let me tell you a ghost story…

Not that one!  The one about my new favorite shoes… the Brooks Ghost 10!!!

So this is how I feel about these shoes.

As someone who usually runs in low to zero drop shoes I would never have tried a shoe with a 12mm drop!  That's like this…

But they feel like a 5-6 drop shoe when I run them.  Some kind of demon magic or something.

Reading online I just saw so many super positive reviews that I just had to try them.

Here is what really tipped me.

I'm not kidding.  The super cushioned ankle collar is what really intrigued me.  Plus the double tongue stays that keep the padded tongue from shifting.

Tread is super grippy and the segmentation really makes the shoe much more flexible than it looks.

The real beauty is once you get them running.  This is the best way I can explain it…

They turned the entire would into Nerf.  Like running in the original Hoka One One's but without the boggy feel.  Most soft shoes tend to have that quicksand effect but again the D in DNA stands for Demon magic.

I have always been a shoe hoarder.

Ok that's Imelda Marcos’s shoes but I have hopped in my Hokas, tiptoed in my Five Fingers, just done it in my Nike's, and just about every other brand you can think of and these are the only shoes I have bought multiple pairs of that were not on sale.  Now own them in the total Gray and the exclusive White that only Zappos seems to have.  

Strangely there are different options for the upper materials.  

Here are the Grey Ghosts with the regular engineered mesh upper

White is the same…

Now look at the Grey/Black version

It's a knit material.  Weird right?  And where did the toe cap go?  

The Blue/Grey version has the knit with a toe cap.

With Brooks recent use of prints on their shoes I'm looking forward to some funky versions coming out later.

So these were my favorite ghosts before

But now Brooks has stolen that honor.  

And in case you are worried about inclement weather, there is a GTX version.  I thought about getting a GTX pair for when it's cold.  I find Goretex shows useless for rain but they are always warmer since “breathable” my ass.  GTX versions are always hot but in the deep of winter they would be great.  

I really have never been this totally impressed with a shoe.  Ghost 10 gets a 10 out of 10.  I will end up with a third pair soon...but for now. Gotta run!

Monday, October 30, 2017

Strike Force Energy Running Fuel

After much extensive testing I can now give my official results and recommendations for Strike Force Energy with science!

DISCLAIMER: These are the running specific recommendations.

As a morning squirt to get you going mixed as the packaging says if great!  Buzzed!

But when it comes to drinking on the run…

After several strike missions…

Destiny style…

Ok more of running around my block and on the local trails I have concluded with total-almost-maybe-opinion that one pack in 64 oz (2 quarts) makes the ideal running drink.  

This worked great as it was dilute enough to still be hydrating but had enough flavor to make it not boring old water.   Plus the Caffeine was spread out to give a nice caffeine climb and gentle taper vs the usual pop and fade of stronger caffeine doses.  

Plus this makes them last for ever!  

10 packs per container.  

One pack makes 2 quarts.  

32 oz per quart.

For a total of 640 ounces.

With the average water bottle being 20 ounces.  

That's 32 bottles filled per box of 10!

Each box is $9.99.

That's 31.2 cents per bottle!!!

By the power of math!

Put it in the fridge.  Chill and serve... into your favorite running bottle and enjoy

Original is still number one for this application with Grape being a close second. I found that the Lemon and Orange had an odd flavor that somehow became weirder when it was diluted…

So next time you are going out on a run with the Bro’s or the Joe's

Make a couple pitchers of Strike Force energy so you can save your day!  Remember knowing to half the battle, but possession is nine tenths of the law!

Again a big thanks to Sean for his service and for providing our materials for testing.

Really enjoyed it. But for now..I gotta run!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Strike Force Energy Plus Beer?

Continuing our multipart Strike Force Energy review I decided to take advantage of the phrasing on the packages…

It says “Beverage Enhancer”...

Brose Beer from Palmetto Brewing Company is a beverage…

Into Daddies Big Cup…

So Brose is already an IPA shandy flavor wise so I decided to add the lemon to it.  Brose comes in a convenient 16 oz 1 pint container which works for the recommended 16ish ounces.


Again i wish I had two beers, but then again when do you not want two instead of one.  I just think that the drink is a little concentrated for my tastes.  But the effect was great.  Chugged it down a little faster because of the taste.  It was like a pleasant little lemon Jaeger Bomb.  Like a caffeinated shandy.  

Buzz and buzz!

Again would love to add one packet to the next pitcher of beer I find.  Would be a nice Beer/Caffeine Powerball.

So if you are feeling adventurous and want to try your two favorite chemicals at once make yourself a caffeinated beer via the power of Strike Force Energy!  The Beverage Enhancer!  Ok juiced up now gotta run!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Strike Force Energy ER Night Shift Party!!!

So and an ER nurse I decided to test Strike Force energy in the brutal world of the Night Shift!!!

So I got some of my co-workers together…

Not those guys! Actually the real ER is more like this

We are all a bit off because it takes a person who is a bit off to survive in the chaotic bloody environment that is the ER.

All of us are pot heads, as is Coffee Pot!

We have a Keurig that we abuse daily.

Many others are bull riders

And then there are the true hardcores that go for the 5 hour…

Which means 3 for a 12 hour shift.

How would this group of caffeine addicts respond to Strike Force?

Many were hard sells and I asked them to indulge me for my blog.  Hilarity ensued as one tried to drink it straight like a small energy drink

After some added instructions  (which are printed on the package) they all tried it at various points in the shift.  

The flavors were universally praised.  Better than Red Bull was heard pretty often and let's face it even 5 Hour Energy knows their product tastes like like licking the bottom of a rotten bottle of Flintstone’s vitamins.  

The “perk factor” was a little more diverse.  Some really felt the jolt immediately while others appreciate a slower but steady energy build.  This is probably because I recommended mixing it with more than the 16 oz of water that the package says.  This made it harder to chug down but gave a more sustained energy release.  

We were all alert and no one complained about any crashes.  Coffee is a cruel mistress that will drop you down once you are no longer in her hot caffeine embrace. Strike Force is more supportive and stays around longer, having breakfast with you in the morning and driving you home.  

There were really only two complaints.  The first being while tasty the taste was a bit intense at the 16 oz dilution.  The second is the two servings in one small tear pouch that is impossible to split.   You can't just use part and keep the rest for later.  And as mentioned most liked it a little watered down.  

These are of course not fatal flaws by any means.  Simply make more and save some of the mixed drink for later (in a future episode I'll tell you how I mix it for running).  The great solution by the manufacturer would be to simply make pouches that are measured out for single servings, not make it a double.

All in all it was very well reviewed by my fellow trauma hounds in the trenches.  The Grape and Original where a tie for favorite with Orange being the next and Lemon in last place.  Suck it Lemon!!!!  They still liked the flavor, it just wasn't the favorite.

Well we've got incoming wounded, but at least we can be a bit perkier now thanks to our rounds of caffeine treats from Strike Force.

Gotta run…

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Strike Force Energy Comparison

The proud veterans at Strike Force Energy sent me a sampling of their wares.  By the frog and trident in the logo I assume the creator Sean Matson was Naval Special Warfare, SEALs.

No! Not those idiots!  The real ones.

In preparing for a long in-depth review series first I wanted to do some strategic pre-planning.  To get to know my target for review….

First off let's compare the target to a few other High Caffeine Targets (HCT).  

All these stats are pulled from Caffeine Informer.

Strike Force Energy is listed at 160 mg in 16.91 fl oz.

How does this stack up against the first HCT of Mountain Dew?

The Dew is only 54 mg for a 12 oz serving.  With a whopping 46 grams of sugar and 170 calories!!!! Mountain Don't!

Next up is Starbucks

A 16 oz Cafe Americano (my favorite) has a whopping 225 mg.  There are three shots of Espresso in that bad boy… but hot drink on a hot run not really my thing.

Now let's look at some direct competition…

No not that Red Bull…

There we go…

Coming in and 160mg caffeine per roughly 16 fl oz.  But that will cost you 52 grams of sugar and 220 calories. Plus they taste like crap…

Our final competitor….

5 Hour Energy packs a 200 mg Caffeine punch.  But it also has a crap ton of vitamins and stuff that you don't need that can make you feel super weird. And if Red Bull tastes nasty these taste like utter ass.

8333% of your daily dose of vitamin B12!!! That can't be good for you.  But it does have no sugar and only 4 calories.

Ok now that we know what we are up against we can plan out our missions to test out Strike Force Energy in the field.  Since we will have 4 flavors we will formulate 4 missions to test it's performance in a dynamic and diverse environments.  I will test it as an Emergency Room Nurse. I will test it as a morning runner and on a trail half-marathon.  And finally I will test it as a husband and father on a dreaded Honey-Do List day!!!!

I love it when a plan comes together!

As a true independent  with no wing affiliation  left or right I would like to thank Sean for his service.  

More to come later…but for now...gotta run!

Friday, October 13, 2017

Armpocket Review

I have never been a cell phone arm band fan.  They always look stupid and cheap to me.  Crappy straps that chaff.  Too small for my massive biceps….

But I like having my phone, don't want it flapping in my pocket, and don't want to hold it!  What to do?  

Enter the Armpocket i35.  Now first off they actually have a chart to see which model fits your phone.  This chart takes into account cases and case thickness too. No more having to guess.  

This is brilliant and I wish every company did this for phone fitting.

Here are all the sexy features listed.

I put an old iPhone 6 in the case backwards so that you can see the size comparison.  Can't take a photo with my phone while the phone is in the case…

I feel like this while I'm wearing it!!! Like I have a small phone sized shield on my arm.

This thing really is a tank.  The materials feel very durable and the workmanship is outstanding. It really does feel like the arm band will out last my phone.  

In addition to the badass gladiator arm shield carry, you can also do it Predator style on your forearm.

This is the way to do it if you are having to reference a map often or having to answer a million texts from your wife while trying to run…

Back is sweat wicking and has a soft memory foam pad.

Inside has little pockets for cash and cards and keys.  There is also a small elastic band that holds the phone in place.

I changed out the stock zipper pull with some small Ultraspire ones I had.  Just look and the fabric and the stitching.  Very nice…

The final option is the hand held method.  This is great if you are playing Pokemon go or some other location based game.  Or if your wife is texting, and work, and your friends, while you are trying to escape into a world of sweaty pain.

My only real complaint I can even muster is the one-sidedness of the Armpocket.  The strap is set your so that it will only go on your left arm.  And the little hole that I use for the hand held method is on the right side which means you have to hold it in your right hand.  Of course that is only if you want the zipper on the top.  The armband is secure enough that you could just flip it upside down to wear in the opposite arm.  

So in summation…

I really love the Armpocket!  Please make sure you use the chart above to the guess work out of what size you need.  Remember that they also do sizes for the strap length, so plan your steroid use accordingly. I'm going to get one for my son for his iPhone when he runs and my wife might get one too, but she runs sans phone.  
This is one of my strongest recommends ever.  It is very rare to see a product just destroy all it's competition to the point of being the only real viable option.  There are cheaper cases but none better, and I bet by the time you have had to buy 3-4 different arm bands over the life of one Armpocket, you are not saving money.  

Two thumbs up! 5 out of 5! A perfect 10!  Whatever rating you want to use.  The only I need it to do is find a constant animated screen saver so I can look like a Warlock from Destiny…

Thanks for reading guys.  If you like the reviews please post comments.  If you love them please click on the Amazon links to make your next purchase.  Remember you don't have to buy what you click, you just have to click the link to get to Amazon then buy whatever you were going to in the first place. But for now, gotta run…