Sunday, June 8, 2014

The next 6 months....

I think we all need something on our calendar to get us motivated and I decided I need extra motivation so I'm training for the Last Chance 50K here in Charkeston SC. It's in December so that's 5 months, with a simple goal of just finish.  This is my first 50K....
   This means a new training schedule with lots of new toys and treats to use and try. This will culminate in a "Best of" awards for various categories, gels, drinks, bars, shoes, handheld, etc.
I would like to thank Hydrapak for mailing me out some of their Wooly Insulated bottles
.  Look forward a full review once I get them.  I will be transparent about how I get stuff I review, I am not biased, but I am thankful to companies that choose to donate.
So here are my current predictions for what I will use in each category. These are based on what I have currently and what my wish list replacement would be. Starting from head to toe!

Headwear: my milspec monkey multi use head wrap.  This might get replaced by the Buff Visor once I try one.

Sunglasses: that's wide open right now, I have actually been digging the old school  Oakley Frogskin style sunglasses due to their simplicity and since they are flatter they tuck into pockets for storage much easier. Probably some Knockarounds. A cheap Frogskin knock off.  

Shirt: my Ink N Burn Steam Punk gears shirt.  Or another of their shirts...

Arm Sleeves: my Pearl Izumi Sun Sleeves. 

Handhelds: my old Nathan Elites with Gelbot 20 oz bottles. That's the plan anyway.  If not I'll try to cram them into my Ultraspire Isometrics.

Vest: probably my Ultraspire Revolution.  If not I'm hoping to get an Ultraspire Kinetic which would mean I wouldn't need the handhelds. We will see.

Shorts: my Salomon Trail Twinskins, or I might get some of The North Face Long Haul Shorts.

Leg Sleeves: my Salomon EXO calf sleeves.  Mostly because they look badass.  Might get a new pair.

Socks: my Thorlos or a pair of SmartWool something.

Drink: Hammer HEED.  Any flavor, they all taste pretty weak to me, but it's great for energy and doesn't upset my stomach at all. I really love the taste of GU Brew but haven't had a chance to test it out for a length of time. Skratch Labs is sending me out some samples and I'll have a separate review on them soon.

That's it for now, more to come...

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