Saturday, March 10, 2018

Huma Chia Energy Gel: Apple Cinnamon Review

Apple Cinnamon Chia Energy Gel?  I like all those words! So just like the other Huma gels they have that nice real food nutrition profile.

This one has not fat or caffeine.  So let's start the Apple Cinnamon Challenge!

This one really tastes like…

And I love apple pie, a lot, maybe too much.

Apple pie shame…

No shame with these gels!  Tastes like homemade apple pie filling.  The apple has a cooked apple puree flavor with sharp cinnamon notes.  Most apple gels taste about as natural as this

This is where the fig Newtons flavor of the Chia seeds becomes an asset to the flavor rather than something that detracts from the experience.

It fueled the run great.  No crash. No belly issues.  I did notice the lack of caffeine this time but I think I'm becoming an addict so I need help…

Where does this one stand up in the rankings for the other flavors?

Number one is Chocolate, but Apple Cinnamon is the current second with Cafe Mocha taking up the rear.

Many flavors left!  Who will be the Victor?  The question isn't should you use Huma Chia Energy Gel, the question is which flavor!

Keep checking back for more flavors!
Gotta run...

Friday, March 9, 2018

Huma Chia Energy Gel: Cafe Mocha Review

Ch-ch-ch-chia!  I am an unabashed Chia seed fan.  And we are right in the beginning of the Huma Chia energy Gel taste test off!

I also love mochas!

So what's not to love about cafe mocha energy gels?  And with double caffeine!!

I love their nutrition profile.  Carbs, fat, and protein it's almost real food that you can eat on the go.  And again the Chia Magic really does give you that nice long lasting energy, no crash and burn.  

So as an energy gel product this stuff is awesome as an endurance nutrition product.  But how does it stack up tastewise to the chocolate?

Chia can impart a weird kind of fig taste.  Like fig Newtons.

I love fig Newtons.  But I don't want chocolate fig Newtons.  The cafe mocha doesn't have enough chocolate to overcome that figgy taste for me.  Now would I still grab one of these over a non Chia containing gel?  Most likely.  But would I grab a chocolate flavor over mocha?  Yes!

But the question is what order should you grab the flavors?  Stay tuned to find out!
Gotta run!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Huma Chia Energy Gel: Chocolate Review

So the fine folks at Huma sent me a sampling of their Chia gels.  This video is.from their site.  Watch it!  It's actually funny.

So everyone who knows me knows that I love Chia seeds.  I’ve been on the Chia band wagon since Born to Run.  Chiahead  life!

And Bob Ross is awesome!  No mistakes only happy accidents.

So the packaging looks like every other gel. With caffeine!

Fat, protein, and fiber!  Almost sounds like real food.  So my biggest wonder was what was it going to look like inside.  Seeds and jelly?  Nope...

Looks and tastes like really good chocolate frosting!  

Can I lick the spoon?  

So seriously.  This stuff is really good.  I can taste the Chia-ness faintly in the background but only because I eat Chia all the time and you can't slip it past me.  But in general I think you could pass this off as organic frosting.  

The chocolate is rich and smooth and wonderful.  Between the caffeine and Chia magic I had a great little run with one of these as my breakfast and coffee combined.  

Maybe it's the Chia placebo effect (or the caffeine) but I really did feel a little kick in my stride.  No crash.  No stomach issues.  

Like all chocolate gels my only complaint is that I don't ever really want to eat chocolate gels in the heat.  Hot weather and a hot running belly just don't want to play with rich coco.   

So as usual I will be reviewing every flavor that I have individually and ranking them.  So as the first flavor the chocolate is of course first place right now.

So who will win the best taste test? According to their site it's going to be strawberry which is their most popular flavor.  Stay tuned to find out!  But for now... gotta run!