I don't really listen to music when I run. Long slow distance does not lend itself to music in my opinion. Plus I end up spending more time skipping songs and trying to find specific ones more that than running. I also count songs like I'm counting cards and that gives me an insight to how long I have been running, I want to lose myself to time. That's why I listen to podcasts. They are long, lots of cool information or humor, and I forget time and just get lost in my run.
Here are some of my favorite podcasts to listen to on long runs in no particular order....
Werewolf Ambulance
The funniest horror movie podcast on the planet! Just two friends getting a little tipsy, watching schlocky horror movies, and savaging them. As a side note one of the hosts Katie is a marathoner.
(Episode 209: The Item was my suggestion...sorry)
Now Playing Podcast
Very informative movie podcast that is still funny. If you are a Marvel fan, their Marvel reviews are fantastic and really go into depth about the backstory and behind the scenes. I really love their old, old, old episodes where they do horror series reviews, sequels get worse and their reviews get funnier!
Marveling at Marvel's Marvels
Again for marvel fans... This is a great one for people like me who are comic curious but just don't have the time to read issues 1-20000. They take a character and spend the episode going into the backstory and story highlights of a particular character. The schtick is one GenX guy is pitching the character to a millennial host wanting a grade on the character. The moderator is the other host of Werewolf Ambulance. Super informative and very funny.
The Last Podcast on the Left
This one is not safe for work...It's a true crime, serial killer, conspiracy podcast by a bunch of comedians. Very dark, very informative, and very funny. Some how they can make dick and fart jokes during a podcast about horrible topics and still be more respectful than most news outlets. I do tend to avoid their SideStories as they are just kind of rambles.
Critical Role
Let me start by saying like comics, I am D and D curious but just don't have the time. After listening to this I kind of want to make time. This is an organic storytelling audio drama done by a bunch of professional voice actors who are all friends that play Dungeons and Dragons together. The episodes are live play throughs which each actor having a unique character and voice. The action speeds along as doesn't get bogged down in game mechanics. The first quest is an epic on par with Lord of the Rings. The second quest is a little more grounded and down to earth but no less awesome. They are long but I find myself running longer to finish episodes. This is truly great and has a huge fan base. I would not be surprised to see a movie about their first campaign.
Thirty Twenty Ten
Fun trip down memory lane...They go back and talk about what happened in pop culture, movies, video games, and the news this week, 30, 20, and 10 years ago. The older episodes are much better. After they added one of the new hosts Sarah and got rid of one of the other hosts the show really went downhill for me. But considering it went from really awesome to still better than most I still listen to them. They can get pretty political some times, they are in San Francisco...so they are a bit one sided,
Wizard and the Bruiser
This is a great geek culture review podcast. They take a geeky topic and do a deep dive into the history and back story. Again informative and funny as hell!
Thanks for reading, hope you like some of these...gotta run!