I hate arch support! Our feet already have an arch. If you support the arch all you do is weaken it. What does this have to do with anything? It means I am very limited in what I can find as after market insoles that I like. Read my Cadence review for what I think is the best traditional insole I have ever used. But we all know that I am not traditional and I'm a bit off my trolley.
Enter the solution to my problem! Footprint King Foam insoles.
These things are pancake flat
Love it! No arch support. I'll do that myself thank you very much.
The Youtues are full of videos of people dropping bowling balls on the insoles over pieces of glass. Of course the insoles absorb the impact and the glass doesn't break but it does with the competitor's insoles.
The claim by Footprint is that the insoles absorb...
I'm not sure about the exact percentage but I will say that they turned all my running shoes into moon boots!
It felt like I was running on pillows
Not this guy's pillow...
Call Pillow Protective Services! I don't think he went door to door to let people know he is in the neighbor hood.
But seriously it's like running on marshmallows
The problem with this is that it's like running on sand. It's super comfortable and almost no impact... But there is no spring rebound. It absorbs all the energy of your foot strike like a foot sucking vampire
Quinton is a weird dude...
So do I recommend these for racing? Hell no! But I found the potion for joint pain and recovery.
Super Recovery Shoes:
Take one pair Hoka One One
Add one pair Footprint King Foam insoles
Add feet
Stir with sweaty socks and lots of miles
Enjoy the total lack of impact!
I mean seriously I felt like..
As my constant readers will know that I have a rebuild foot
This is my actual right foot. This is why I am so obsessed with the quest for ultimate comfort. I also have a scoped out left knee that is missing some cartilage now.
After miles on King Foam over trails, roads, and concrete side walks I have had zero pain afterward! They are like joint pain patches you wear on your feet.
If you want to try a more traditional version they offer King Foam Elite which is a more traditional Sorothane like gel feeling material. The regular King Foam is like beer coosy and yoga mat had a kid.
If you suffer any kind of joint pain I totally recommend them. If you need a recovery shoe for those after super long run days, I say get a pair and throw them in your shoes for a gentle ride.
The world becomes this
With out all the middle aged moms.
They come in different thicknesses for different shoe volumes. I reccomend getting the thickest pair that will fit. They range from ultra low, to low, to normal to high profile. For soft training insoles I get the regular King Foam, if you want a long distance racing insole get the King Foam Elite. The elite are a little bouncier even though Footprint claims that they absorb even more impact. You will not be disappointed.
Again don't expect a speed boost, but expect to be able to run farther with less pain and soreness than ever before.
There are people who have said that they were able to start running because of the impact absorption of Hoka One One. These insoles do that for almost any pair of shoes you put them in. I now have 5 pair. These are awesome and will be a requirement for all my shoes from now on.
Strong reccomend.
Thanks for reading, gotta run!